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The Moon Was a Bit Unstable | finissage and guided tour of Jan Porczyński

finisage: March 18, from 12:00 to 6:00 pm. guided tour by Jan Porczyński: March 18, 4 pm.

This is the last week of THE MOON WAS A LITTLE UNSTABLE exhibition featuring gouaches and textile art by Jan Porczyński.

We cordially invite you to Saturday's finissage and guided tour of Jan Porczyński.

On Saturday, March 18 at 4:00 pm, you will have the last opportunity to meet with Jan Porczyński, who will talk about his inspirations and works presented at the exhibition.

Jan Porczyński, ""Swamps", 2022, gouache on paper, 35 x 50 cm

The motifs of the creations by Jan Porczyński, a student of graphic arts at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, bring to mind engravings from astrological treatises, jagged cityscapes from the era of German Expressionism. The reservoir of inspirations that appear in his dreams and are transferred to paper or fabric originates both from his fascination with distant cultures and mysticism, as well as dystopian visions from films and animes.

curator: Katarzyna Piskorz

pertner of the exhibition: Art Transfer Foundation

media patronage:

the project is co-financed by the Capital City of Warsaw


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