cycle: Saturday with art
A few days before the workshop, carefully observe the world around you and your moods. Then take photos of a particularly important or impressive area of nature (sky, vegetation, tree bark, dried leaves, etc.). The photo can be taken with a mobile phone. During the classes, we will look at the shots you have selected. Then they were compared with landscape works by outstanding Polish painters. We will consider how the colors, texture, rhythm, shapes observed in nature are reflected in art, then we will try to present the landscapes of our everyday environment in the form of abstract images.
February 22, 2020 r., at 12:00

cycle: Saturday with art
What is damara? What is the varnish and fixative for? Why among painting articles Can you find beeswax and linseed oil? Does the painter only paint with a brush?
During the workshops, we will talk about the painting workshop and techniques. We will experiment with different materials for artists. We will create our own paints literally from powder. We will see how they behave when mixed with other substances. With the help of various tools, we will create our own paintings with a rich texture.
A workshop dedicated to children from 10 years of age.
March 7, 2020 r., at 12:00
We cordially invite families with children aged 6-12 to creative workshops accompanying our exhibition program. The e-weekend program of cultural education at the HOS Gallery is an offer spending free time creatively with family and friends. As part of the program, a series of classes is organized at temporary exhibitions taking place in the HOS Gallery space about twice a month. Family workshops are an irreplaceable form of spending free time with a child, building relationships with them in a creative process, getting to know each other and their parents and children. A walk through the gallery, a special curatorial tour for children and creative activities - that's something more than art classes. Workshops at HOS Gallery are not just another extra-curricular activities - children usually have enough of them, and additional pressure at school, stress, fear of rejection by their peers burden them very much. Overstimulating and subjecting them to further stimuli coming from smartphones impairs their ability to concentrate, be mindful, look and listen. Creative workshops exercise in children, focus, empathy, giving meanings and emotions to colors, shapes and experiencing them. This is the time of careful researchers. Through various forms of aesthetic experience, we learn together sensitizing and acting better for the world. Are these experiences approaching us to ourselves and others?
The workshop consists of myself with a short theoretical part (about 30 minutes) and a practical part (about 60 minutes). The first one always takes place in the exhibition rooms, so that the participants have direct contact with the works and trends discussed. It is accompanied by a tour of the exhibition with an educator's commentary, developing individual threads and problems raised at the exhibition. In the second part, meetings are held myself practical classes in workshop room. Topics of classes always resists and is inspired by the current theme of the exhibition and aims to deepen the experience of aesthetic experience in independent creative work. Works are being created individually or in small groups, the working techniques are adapted to the age of children and issues raised during the workshops.
Free admission / presence of a guardian obligatory / number of places limited / registration for workshops with the number of children and guardians via email to the following address: biuro@hosgallery.pl (along with information on the number of participants and the age of the children)

cycle: Saturday with art
Various items can be found in private collections; paintings, sculptures, coins, but also stamps, caps and dolls. During the theoretical part, we will get acquainted with the most unusual collections and try to answer the question of what all collectors have in common. Are the items they collect always expensive or very rare? We will consider together what can be valuable and worth collecting.
Then, using materials such as newspapers, old books, in portable boxes, we create miniature cabinets of curiosities.
11/01/2020 r., at 12:00

cycle: Saturday with art
It used to be considered that the site of the collection was a museum or gallery. It's easy to forget that a private home is usually the birthplace of a collection and its original seat. The participants will be briefly acquainted with the history of the founders of such collections as: Sir John Soane's Museum in London, Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice or museo Boschi Di Stefano in Milan, which today function as museums, but in the past they were mainly residential spaces. Using interior design magazines, tracing paper, reproductions of works from the HOS gallery collection, we will try to design living spaces into which we will integrate works of art.
January 25, 2020 r., at 12:00

cycle: Saturday with art
What is a tandem and how does it work? Why are artistic duets called tandems? During the workshop, we will present the history of several artists who worked closely with each other. We will consider whether the cooperation in the process of creating the image is easy and how it should proceed in order to be fruitful. During the practical part, everyone will have to analyze their preferences and predispositions. Do we prefer to draw or paint, or maybe advise others and be responsible for the selection of materials? What does each of us paint best? We will share the responsibilities and together we will try to create one large painting inspired by the motifs from the paintings displayed at the exhibition.
19/10/2019 r., at 12:00

cycle: Saturday with art
During the workshops, we will pay attention to the presence of written words in painting. Do they only appear as a signature? If not, what are they for and how were they written? We will look at the important role of typography and together we will consider whether typography can be art or can imply emotions and additional content. During the workshops, participants will create their own templates of individual typefaces of letters and thanks to them they will paint unique pictures, the word of which will be the main compositional element.
November 16, 2019 r., at 12:00